

Surrey Storytellers is a group that promotes the art of storytelling for Adults, Young People and Children throughout the County of Surrey, in England.

Storytelling is one of the oldest forms of entertainment in the world  and is also the way societies hand down their histories and values from one generation to the next. It is currently enjoying a revival thanks to a renewed interest in the folk arts which also include music, song and dance. There are lots of storytelling circles and events run across the UK, at which everyone is welcome – either to listen or tell a story of their own.

Friday 26th July 2024 @ 19.30


Crowning Glory   - Catherine Chadwick


Hair has power.  It is used as adornment, for cultural and personal expression, fully visible or purposely concealed.  In story, we meet it as a symbol of strength, transformation and even sacrifice.  ‘Crowning Glory’ takes us to Biblical times and the story of Samson, to Europe and the Rapunzel tale and finally to Ancient Egypt, where we learn how the Coma Berenices came into being.




for tickets  click here, or pay on the door

We will be ONLINE this month