

Friday 25th October @ 19.30 Posey Furnish and Francesca Mackenzie

Friday 26th July 2024 @ 19.30 Crowning Glory   - Catherine Chadwick
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Friday 25th October @ 19.30

Posey Furnish and Francesca Mackenzie


Full Price

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Please select which ticket(s) you would like you will be taken to a link where you can pay by paypal or by most credit/debit cards, you will not need a paypal account to complete the transaction and  you may be asked to show a receipt on the evening.


We've held the prices for over 7 years , and sadly we need to increase them  to the following 

- full price £10,            -concessions £7 ,            and online when available £6.

However we would always prefer to have visitors so please if this  presents any problems, message us privately and we  try and come to an arrangement, and nothing will ever be said.